Standing-BGS-orders: Pleiades Nebula and the bubble

We have established a foothold on the edge of the bubble, our aim is to consolidate our position there while maintaining our systems in the Pleiades.

Kurutis is our primary expansion source system, deliver AXI bounty vouchers, exploration data and complete AXI missions in Kurutis to keep our influence above 75%. Avoid missions and handing-in bounties for other factions there.

We want to maintain stability in all our other control systems, these are the systems where we are the faction with the highest influence. An influence of around 60% is ideal, please hand-in bounties and do AXI missions if the AXI influence is lower than that but do not hand-in bounties or do AXI missions if it is above 60%. If it is above 60% then a few missions for other factions are helpful.

Our aim for systems where we have a presence but are not the controlling faction is to stay above 10%. We usually do not want to raise our influence and risk a conflict with the controlling faction, so only do AXI missions or hand-in AXI bounties if we fall below 10% in these systems.

Note that combat bonds from killing Thargoids do not impact faction influence so can be handed-in anywhere.

Conflicts : Killing other Humans is something we need to do from time to time The amount and locations of conflicts involving the AXI changes all the time, we advise you to regularly check our Inara squadron page to know where to fight, conflicts should be won by default unless we inform you otherwise.

Current Conflicts: