

The Anti Xeno Initiative in-game squadron, known as “AXIN” for its 4-letter code, is generally considered a distinct subset of our community. The distinction “AXI” (referring to our broader community of 22,000 members) and “AXIN” (referring to our small subgroup of ~500 squadron members) is a meaningful one to understand.

It is not necessary to join our in-game squadron to be part of our broader community. Doing so is entirely optional and at the discretion of the individual CMDR.

The AXIN in-game squadron, in addition to being an award-winning group often ranking first, or among the top, squadrons in Anti-Xeno and Combat leaderboards, is also associated with a significant player-managed faction (“PMF”), which is one of the pre-eminent factions in the Pleiades Nebula and which has recently reached the bubble.

AXIN is one of the most-decorated squadrons in the game

How to apply

Since the maximum number of squadron members is hard-capped by FDEV to 500, it is necessary to introduce some minimum requirements for squadron membership.

Also note that due to the direction development has gone, only our PC squadron on Live is presently active. PS4 and XBOX squadrons, and the PC squadron on Legacy, are effectively inactive.

In order to apply to our squadron, you will need to complete the following steps:

1 – Join the AXI Discord

Discord is our main platform and is open to absolutely everyone. To be an official member of AXIN you have to be present there.

  1. Click join on the link below
  2. Complete the 2-step verification
  3. Read the #policy-and-rules carefully

2 – Join the Inara Squadron

Inara squadron serves as an extension of our in-game squadron (since it has no size limit) and provides many useful functions that help us coordinate defense. Please note that we only accept applications from verified accounts.

  1. Join our Discord Server.
  2. Verify and Link your Inara account to your frontier account.
  3. Go to the our Inara page.
  4. Request to join the squadron and include your Discord name and tag in your application (eg: Mgram#6610).

3 – Earn “Apollo’s Wrath” Rank

In order to be eligible to join the in-game squadron, you will need to earn the “Apollo’s Wrath” Rank, by taking down a Thargoid Cyclops in a solo fight, and requesting the rank in #teas-and-medals with a qualifying screenshot. See AXI Ranks for more details.

4 – Join the In-Game Squadron

Become one of us, carry our name, with all the responsibilities that come with it. Since the in-game squadron has a limit of 500 members, we do not accept just anyone, and have to periodically remove inactive members to make room for new ones. Members are subject to additional rules.

Once you have completed steps 1&2 above, send an in-game squadron application request. PLEASE SPECIFY YOUR DISCORD NAME AND AXI RANK in your application request; due to the volume of requests, “default message” application requests are automatically declined.

The Xeno Research Group Minor Faction

Galactic markets awakened to a jolt today, as the Anti-Xeno Initiative bought controlling interest in a Witch Head startup company: Xeno Research Group, to the surprise of many galactic pundits.

“The Anti-Xeno Initiative crashed the Low Temperature Diamond Market throughout the Bubble last week”, replied a Bank of Zaonce media representative.

“At the time, our experts were perplexed by the sudden appreciation of AXI’s stock value. All factors pointed towards it being a response to Brewer’s press-release about Drake class Carriers being made available for public sale.”

Thargoid sympathizer groups, such as HALT, condemned the move claiming more Thargoid lives would be lost.

“This only shows AXI for what it is. A group of genocidal maniacs, bent on the utter destruction of the Thargoids. They went out of their way to purchase a Witch Head company, just to justify more killing.”, a Thargoid sympathizer spoke at a protest on Mars; one of many such protests to erupt since the news broke.

When asked about the sudden purchase of Xeno Research Group, AXI’s CMDR Mackenheimer only had this to say: “Xeno Research Group was purchased as part of AXI’s Unified Defense Program. The last Thargoid Incursion into the Witch Head Sector showed the region’s defenses to be woefully inadequate. While the Pleiades Sector systems were cleared within a single week, the Witch Head systems suffered Thargoid attacks for over three. This cannot be allowed to happen again.”

When pressed regarding the Thargoid sympathizers’ concerns however, he responded sharply; “I don’t care what traitors think of our legitimate purchase. All of our activities are undertaken with the express aim of defending all of humanity from the Thargoid menace. One day they’ll come for your system, and we’ll be coming for them. You can count on that.”

– Excerpt from the Front page of the Business section of the Solar Times…